
Download 50 mile race
Download 50 mile race

Personal Handlers/Crew are allowed at points designated by race organizers on the course.

download 50 mile race

To learn how to download and use the app, please use the button below. If you prefer not to run with a phone, that will be completely acceptable. Then once the app is activated, the phone must be stored and not used, unless in an emergency.

download 50 mile race

However, the phone can be used at the start to activate the GPS app. Participants will still be subject to the strict policy on not using personal listening devices. But once the phone pings a tower again, the app will update the participant’s location. Family and friends can then use the app on their phone to track a participant “live.” We realize there are spots on the course that have poor cell service, so there will be short periods of time that the tracking may freeze. How will this work? Participants will be given instruction, as we get closer to race day, to download an app and carry their phone during the race. This tracking will show a participant’s exact location “live” while on the course (provided there is cell service).

download 50 mile race

Along with the point-to-point tracking, our timing company, Racine MultiSports, also is offering GPS tracking for the third straight year.

Download 50 mile race